Salad Rocket (seed tape)

1,750 د.ك

Completely unknown just a few years ago, rocket is now one of the most popular salad vegetables. Its piquant taste is unusual and reminiscent of peanuts and cress at the same time. A little of it, mixed with other salads, gives them an unmistakable, pleasant aroma. The culture is simple and fast as radishes. The plants form rosettes with spoon-shaped leaves. They are hardy and can be sown all year round, both outdoors, in the cold frame and in the greenhouse.
Care: Sowing made easy! Place the seed tape in the prepared rows, moisten, cover with soil and press down. No separation, as optimal planting distance. The seed tape decomposes in the soil.
Use: Cut the leaves before the white flowers appear in End season . They make a particularly aromatic salad. Just a few leaves of the salad rocket give dishes or other salads the final touch. Rocket is also indispensable for topping pizzas and as a seasoning herb in Italian cuisine.
Tip: Salad rocket does not make any demands on the soil. It thrives anywhere on any loose garden soil in a sunny or semi-shady spot.

Sowing: Outdoor September / Greenhouse all year round.

Germination: 6 – 12 days at 12 – 20 °C.

Location: sunny – half shade.

Harvest: in 4 – 6 weeks.

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