Red Habanero F1

1,950 د.ك

The fruits of the ‘Habanero red’ chili may be small, but they’re big! They are among the hottest chillies in the world, which is reflected in a value above 100,000 on the Scoville scale. Nevertheless, the fruits, which weigh about 10 g and are 5 to 7 cm in size, are said to have a tropical fruity taste. In this country, they are particularly popular for seasoning.

The F1 hybrid is part of Kiepenkerl’s Profi-Line range and is naturally resistant to the tobacco mosaic virus. The plants grow to a height of approx. 50 to 100 cm and are perfect for pot culture. It is important that they are sunny and sheltered from the wind so that they can develop optimally and produce fruits that are ready to be harvested from July to September.

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