Icicle Short Top Radish

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  • Icicle Short Top Radish is the most renowned early white-flesh radish variety.Featuring a mild flavor when harvested young, this white radish is a nutrient-dense root vegetable with a high vitamin C percentage.

    Its crisp and tender texture can remain up to six inches in length.

    Short Top Icicle Radish seeds are ideal for those looking for a healthy and delicious addition to their garden and meals. Packed with essential vitamins, its mild flavor and crisp texture make it a delightful culinary option.

  • Botanical Name: Raphanus sativusFill Weight (grams): 1.5

    Flavor: Mild, but most flavorful when pulled young.

    Preparation Ideas: Add texture to salads by dicing or slicing the roots; use radish tops as a delicious side dish.

    Plant Type: Vegetable

    Plant Lifecycle: Annual

    Approximate Seed Count: 200 – 300

    Landscape Use: Edible Garden

    Included: 3.25 x 4.5″


    In full sun, sow 2 Organic Short Top Icicle Radish seeds per inch in the row. Cover seeds firmly with soil. When plants have 3 or 4 leaves, thin to 1″ apart. For a steady crop, sow every 10 days until warm weather and again in the fall until 30 days before frost.

    Planting Depth: 0.5″

    Seed Spacing: Sow Organic Short Top Icicle Radish seeds roughly 1″ apart in rows, keeping rows approximately 12″ apart.

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