Verbena Ideal Florist mix

1,950 د.ك

Characteristics: Grow a popular annual, which also smells pleasant. Throughout the season, it blooms profusely with inflorescences of small flowers in a varied combination of colors. Native species come from South America.

Cultivation: Plants are planted in permeable soil in a sunny place or in the shade. Planting on a sunny site to achieve richer flowering. Verbena is very resistant to weather fluctuations, it is very demanding on moisture and plenty of nutrients, so we fertilize it every week. During cultivation, we remove faded flowers, thus achieving better branching and continuous flowering throughout the season

Ideal Florist Verbena Mix | Verbena officinalis | Ecologically grown | Perennial | Open Pollinated | Heirloom
Heat tolerant, low growing plants that blooms in a mixture of burgundy, peach, pink, purple, red, and white. Excellent for hanging baskets, containers, and it makes a colorful ground-cover for beds and borders.
Planting tip: Sow indoors 8-10 weeks before transplanting out. Seed stratification required. Vernalize seeds by sowing them in pre-moistened sterilized seed starting mix in trays. Place trays in plastic bags inside the refrigerator for 2 weeks.

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