Calendula Pot Marigold

1,000 د.ك

Repackaged in Kuwait
Calendula (Calendula officinalis) is a short-lived perennial in warmer climates, but in cooler climate zones it is usually grown as an annual flower in garden beds and containers. Although commonly known as pot marigold, calendula is different from the common marigold (Tagetes spp.). It is, however, part of the Asteraceae family along with daisies and chrysanthemums, and has a daisy-like appearance. It is planted in spring after the last frost and grows relatively quickly, flowering six to eight weeks from seeding.

It is easy to grow from seeds directly sown in the garden or containers. Plant seeds indoors  and repot or transplant sturdy seedlings in growing season . Calendula will tolerate poor conditions but grows best when it has rich soil. Once established, it doesn’t need much water or fertilizer to grow. Calendula is a full sun plant, however, it’s not a fan of sweltering hot temperatures and might start wilting in intense heat.

Pinching back young plants will promote more compact, bushy growth and prevent the plants from becoming leggy. Deadhead the old flowers to encourage reblooming.

Packet 50 seeds

Class: Herb
Germination Tips:Cover 68-75 Degrees Fahrenheit
Height:24 inches

Calendula officinalis Yellow-orange flowers

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