Organic carrot late (seed tape)

2,250 د.ك

Very high-yielding and large-size late carrot that can be used as fresh and stored carrots. The carrot root is approx. 20 – 24 cm long, has a smooth skin and is deeply orange in color both inside and out, as it is rich in beta-carotene. In cultivation, it is robust against unfavorable weather conditions. Ready for harvest in approx. 150 days.

sowing on the spot. Make a seed furrow approx. 1 cm deep and water it vigorously, then lay out the seed tape, cover with soil, press down and water vigorously again. Separation is not necessary, as optimal plant spacing has been considered in the seed band. Row spacing approx. 30 cm. The seed band disintegrates into humus in the soil.

For consumption fresh, for salads, for decoration or juice extraction. Carrots can be frozen very well with pencils or slices. The beta-carotene contained is fat-soluble and can be better absorbed by the body with an extra spoon of oil / butter.

Gardener’s tip:
sow the carrots in a different location every year. The row spacing should be approx. 30 cm for maintenance work such as weeding, watering, etc. Loosen compacted soils with the spade and remove larger stones.

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