Impatiens Double Carousel Mix

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Double Impatiens, scientifically known as Impatiens walleriana, is a popular flowering plant species often grown for its attractive and vibrant double-petaled flowers. These plants belong to the family Balsaminaceae and are native to East Africa, specifically in Tanzania and Mozambique. They are commonly referred to as “double impatiens” due to the double-layered petals of their blooms, which give them a fuller and more luxurious appearance compared to their single-petaled counterparts. Packet 10 seeds

Growth Habit: Double Impatiens typically grow as compact, bushy plants with a mounding habit. They can reach a height of 10 inches

    • Light Requirements: These plants prefer partial to full shade. They thrive in areas with filtered sunlight or morning sun and afternoon shade. Too much direct sunlight can scorch their leaves and cause them to wilt.
    • Soil: Double Impatiens prefer well-draining, moist, and fertile soil. Adding organic matter, such as compost, to the soil can improve its quality.
  • Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water when the top inch of soil feels dry. These plants are relatively sensitive to drought and will wilt if not provided with adequate moisture.
  • Temperature: Double Impatiens thrive in moderate temperatures. They are not frost-tolerant and should be protected from cold temperatures. In regions with harsh winters, they are often grown as annuals or in containers that can be brought indoors during the cold season.
  • Maintenance: Regular deadheading (removing spent flowers) can encourage continuous blooming throughout the growing season. Pruning leggy or overgrown stems can help maintain a compact and bushy shape.
  • Uses: Double Impatiens are commonly used in containers, hanging baskets, flower beds, and as colorful ground cover. They are excellent choices for adding a pop of color to shaded areas of the garden.
  • Sowing and GerminationSow the seed onto the surface of a well saturated, low nutrient compost, which has a pH of between 6.0 and 6.2,. Impatiens are particularly only clear water should be used for misting or other irrigation during emergence. Impatiens seed is large enough to allow direct seeding into plugs. As this will minimise any transplanting shock, and reduce the amount of physical handling the seedlings receive direct seeding is to be recommended, and these notes are based on this recommendation.

    It is important to maintain very high moisture levels throughout the germination process, so a light layer of compost or vermiculite can be sieved around the seed to prevent moisture loss.

    It is important to maintain very high moisture levels throughout the germination process, so a light layer of compost or vermiculite can be sieved around the seed to prevent moisture loss. A growth chamber equipped with a fogging or misting system is ideal.

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