Papaver Lilac Pompom Poppy

1,000 د.ك

Repackaged In Kuwait

The unusually captivating smoky lavender color of Lilac Pompom Poppy is somehow both bold and delicate; the frilled double pompoms waving atop strong, Papaver somniferum laciniata, double lilac flowers, very unusual _ Grows to a height of around 36 inches_ Germinatin Tips: Needs Light to germinate! Do Not cover with soil or other planting medium! 68-75 Degrees Fahrenheit.

packet 50 seeds

Sow seeds in peat pots or cell packs, press into soil but do not cover. Needs light to germinate. Kept at 65°F., germination is in 14-21 days. Can direct sow, onto ground that has had the top one in. of soil loosened. Rake seed in, press into soil by walking over the area. Thin to 12 in. apart.

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