Jicama Seed

1,500 د.ك

Jicama is a sweet, root vegetable that resembles a turnip and tastes like water chestnut. It is a popular vegetable in Mexican cuisine and is used in salads, salsas and platters. Above ground it is a tropical vine that grows to 15 ft. and does best in warm climates.

  • Heirloom
  • Annual vine
  • Root vegetable
  • Easy to grow
  • Care: Jicama needs regular watering, keep soil moist and do not allow to dry out, after thinning, fertilize , pinch off flowers for best root production
  • Train vine on a stake or trellis
  • Harvest. Harvest roots before first frost or in milder climates leave in ground until needed, peel off the brown skin and eat raw or cooked
  • Hint. Radish sprouts are much like cress with a tangy, pepper

Growing Jimcama: Soak seeds in water overnight. After soaking, sow at least 2 seeds into each 4 inch pot filled with a potting mixture intended for seedlings. Place them under a grow light, on a warm windowsill or in a greenhouse, approximately 8-10 weeks before the grow season if your growing season is quite short. Thin the seedlings once germination is complete, leaving the strongest seedling in each pot to thrive. Transplant into larger pots regularly as plants outgrow their containers until it is safe to plant them outside. Support the plants if necessary.

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