Bouquet Cosmos Double Click

1,750 د.ك

(Cosmos bipinnatus)
Bred in France as a cut flower, Double Click offers lovely semi-double and fully double large frilly blossoms in rosy-red, pink, blush and white, all with sunny gold centers. The satiny, 2 to 3 inch blossoms grow on long stems and flower nonstop from early summer on. Cut armfuls of bouquets – the more flowers you pick the more the plants will produce. Butterflies seek out these extra-fancy Cosmos as they sway above ferny foliage.


Frost tender


Sow seeds 1/2 inch deep, 1 to 2 inches apart in a sunny location in well-worked garden soil in October . Keep seed bed moist. Seedlings emerge in 7 to 10 days. Thin established seedlings to a final spacing of 8 inches apart, so plants have room to mature. Keep well weeded and watered while plants are young; mature cosmos can handle hot and dry conditions.



Sow seeds 1 inch apart in a container of seed starting mix, 4 to 6 weeks before growing season . Cover 1/2 inch deep, keep moist and provide a good light source until ready to go outside. Plant outdoors 8 inches apart once weather warms up, after gradually acclimating seedlings to outdoor conditions.


These free-flowering, long blooming summer flowers produce reliably in all soil types to fill the garden with abundant blossoms. Sow several times through October for a succession of fresh flowers. Cutting generous bouquets actually prolongs the blooming season. Cosmos pair beautifully with cleome, asters and zinnias.


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