1,950 د.ك

Annual. A sky blue pansy representing one of the rarest and most sought-after colors in the plant kingdom! These cool blue blooms are just the trick for pots, borders, and beds. They’re glorious in blocks of color or as an accent to other hues! Add this tranquil edible flower to your dishes for a gorgeous culinary presentation. Delicious in salads and spring rolls!

  • Annual
  • Full Sun/Part Sun
  • Sprouts in 4-7 Days
  • Seed Depth: Surface Sow
  • Ideal Temperature: 60-70 F
  • Plant Spacing: 6-9″
  • Frost Hardy: Yes
  • Viola x wittrockiana

Growing Tips: Start seeds indoors in very early spring for summer blooms, or late summer for fall blooms. Likes cool, moist, woodsy soil, cool to cold temps. Occasionally self-sows.

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