Italian White Sunflower

1,500 د.ك

Helianthus debilis. Like freshly churned butter, the petals of Italian White sunflowers are the palest yellow, almost white. They surround a dark chocolate-brown disk, bringing an appealing high contrast effect to flower borders and cut flower bouquets. The flowers appear on multi-branching stems over a long period in summer atop stems that can reach just over 2m (7′) in height. This classic heirloom is drought tolerant and thrives in poor soils.


Sow seeds 5mm-1cm  (¼-½”) deep. Space dwarf varieties 15cm (6″) apart, but give the giants lots of room at 1m (3′) between plants.


To grow really big plants with really big flowers, enrich the soil with organic matter and incorporate 2 cups of balanced organic fertilizer per 3m (10′) of row, and irrigate regularly. When the plants are 30cm (12) tall, dissolve 5ml (1 tsp) of borax (for boron) in 350 ml (12 fl oz) of water and spread the solution over 5m (15′) of row. Be careful not to over-apply this solution. This application of boron will produce bigger seeds and flower heads. Do not apply boron to other garden plants. When the back of the flower head turns yellow, it is ready to be cut from the plant.

Companion Planting

Sunflowers planted near rows of corn are said to increase yields. Sunflowers can be used to draw heavy metals, toxins, and even radiation from soil, but should be burned at the end of the season if grown for this purpose. Plant sunflowers amid squash plantings to improve pollination and overall production.



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