Anemone “Fullstar red”(5pack)

2,000 د.ك


  • Mid Spring Flowering
  • Great for cut flowers
  • 5 Pack

If you are a fan of the beautiful, spring-flowering poppy anemones (‘St Brigid’ or ‘De Caen’), with their single or semi-double flowers in bright vibrant colours, then you will not want to miss this fully double, breakthrough version. Anemone ‘Fullstar Red’ produces pompom-like flowers, 10cm or more across – twice the size of typical poppy anemones – in shades from bright scarlet to deep cherry. The leaves are bright green, and have fine cuts and divisions in them, giving them an almost fern-like appearance. Plant in Autumn (Sept-Dec) for a spring (Mar-Apr) bloom. Plant in areas of full or almost full sun exposure, in moist soil, at a depth of 3” while leaving 2” of space between bulbs. Easy to grow and attracts bees, butterflies, and other beneficial pollinators. Note that anemones are poisonous to pets and humans if ingested in large quantities. This is a gorgeous, vibrant perennial bulb that is sure to turn heads!

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