Cup and Saucer Vine ‘Alba’

1,950 د.ك

Cobaea scandens


This vigorous climbing vine is a beautiful addition to the garden and the vase. From late summer through the first autumn frost, vines are smothered in creamy white cup-shaped flowers that look as if they are glowing. Blooms are a wonderful addition to late-season bouquets and also look great displayed en masse or floated in shallow bowls.


Plant type: annual
Height: 10 to 15 ft
Site: full sun
Days to maturity: 120 days
Plant spacing: 6 to 12 in
Pinch: not necessary

Seed Sowing & Growing Notes

Start seed indoors in pots 10 to 12 weeks before grow season ;. Cup and saucer is very sensitive to cold;. Provide a strong trellis or support for vines to climb.

Harvesting/Vase Life

Harvest individual flowers just as they open. Immediately after harvest, dip the bottom few inches of the stems in boiling water for 7 to 10 seconds, or use Quick Dip, then place into cool water. Individual blossoms can be floated in low bowls or vines can be incorporated into shorter arrangements. Expect a 4 to 5 day vase life.

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