Calendula Dandy

1,000 د.ك

Repackaged in Kuwait

This beautiful double-flower will add flurries of colour to your garden!

The Calendula Seeds – Dandy are an unusual, double-flowered variety of these fun and easy to grow flowers. The Calendula Seeds – Dandy will brighten up any flower bed or flower border they’re grown in, producing vibrant orange flowers with lime green eyes. Growing to a height of 51 -60cm (20 -24″), these flowers are perfect for cut flower displays inside your home.

These magnificent flowers perform very well in the garden and are loved by hoverflies and other pollinating insects. Add these fantastic double flowers to your container and patio pot displays to really add a pop of vibrant colours. Interestingly, the Calendula Seeds – Dandy are also great for growing in the vegetable garden too. The petals can be used to colour rice dishes and added to salads and cakes. Flowering from all growing season don’t miss out on these spectacular flowers. Packet 20 seeds

Growing Information

Sow the seed thinly direct into finely raked, moist, warm, weed-free soil where the plants are to flower 1.3cm (½”) deep. Germination normally takes 10–15 days. As the seedlings develop, thin them out in stages to achieve a final spacing of 23–30cm (9-12″). For early flowering, the following year sow direct  where the plants are to flower. Can also be started in trays/pots in a greenhouse and planted out when big enough to handle.

Sowing Information

Sow the seed thinly direct into finely raked, moist, warm, weed-free soil where the plants are to flower 1.3cm (½”) deep. Germination normally takes 10-15 days. As the seedlings develop, thin them out in stages to achieve a final spacing of 23-30cm (9-12″). For early flowering, the following year sow direct August/September where the plants are to flower. Can also be started in trays/pots in a greenhouse and planted out when big enough to handle

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