Fairy Snow Balloon Flower

1,500 د.ك

  • Description

    Here is something super special and new in balloon flowers! These dwarf plants bear ivory blooms with subtle lavender striping. The plants grow less than 10 inches tall, while their blooms expand like an inflated balloon until they burst open into a gorgeous, shimmering star. The roots of balloon flowers are edible and are typically used in Asian cuisine.

      • Perennial in zones 3 – 9
      • 6-8 hours of Sun
      • Sprouts in 10-30 Days
      • Ideal Temperature: 65-70 Degrees F
      • Seed Depth: Surface Sow
      • Plant Spacing: 12-18″
      • Frost Hardy: Yes
      • Platycodon grandiflorus apoyama

    Growing Tips

    Sow seeds indoors 6 – 8 weeks before last frost, or direct sow after. Surface sow, lightly pressing into soil; do not cover. Transplant or divide only when necessary-resents root disturbance.

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