Apricotta Cosmos

1,500 د.ك

An innovative twist to the classic cosmos! The large flowers glow a warm apricot that blends to soft pink towards the centre. The sturdy plants have long stems that make them perfect for cut flowers and as a backdrop for borders. They bloom consistently from summer to early fall and they grow to 60-80cm (25-32″) tall. Fleurselect Novelty 2021.


  • Unique colour
  • Long stems on sturdy plants
  • Great as cut flower
  • Long blooming
  • 60-80cm (25-32″) tall


Direct sow on October . Several sowings will result in a very long bloom period, once daytime temperatures are above 10°C (50°F). Seeds will sprout in 3-10 days. Optimal temperature for germination: 21-25°C (70-75°F).


Sow seeds very shallowly only a few millimetres (1/8″) deep. Thin or transplant to 20-25cm (8-10″) apart.


Most varieties can get quite tall, and in exposed or windy gardens can benefit from staking or trellis netting laid horizontally over the bed for the stems to grow through before blooming. Deadhead and cut for bouquets regularly to extend the bloom period.

Cosmos bipinnatus & C. sulfureus
Family: Asteraceae




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