Cucumber Summer Top Hybrid

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55-70 Days to maturity. Cucumis sativus ‘Summer Top’. Summer Top Cucumber Seeds. Warm-season annual hybrid.This excellent burpless hybrid cucumber is easy to grow and delivers a large yield of top-grade fruit. Summer Top cucumbers are known for uniform, slender, and beautifully glossy green fruits. Their continual harvests over several weeks make these perfect for large gardens and field growing. Summer Top is an attractive and versatile variety, a guaranteed regular in your garden planning!
Other Common Names:Japanese Cucumber.
Packet 10 seeds

How to Grow Summer Top Cucumber

Sow seeds directly into the soil in October . Cucumbers are warm-weather vegetables so keep the soil temperature between 70 and 80℉. Optionally, seed indoors in September. Transplant starts outdoors when the weather cool down . Fertilize periodically throughout the fruit-bearing season to promote higher yields. Frequently provide deep and generous waterings once the flowers begin to appear. This will encourage a plentiful harvest! Growing Summer Top on a trellis or fence saves precious garden space, improves air circulation, and prevents diseases.

(Slicer) Oriental, foot long, narrow, sweet and burpless, small seeds, disease resistant, heat and humidity tolerant, mono, days _Germination Tips:: 77-92 Degrees Fahrenheit

Harvesting Summer Top Cucumber

Harvest the cucumbers when they are 9 inches long, vibrant green, and firm. Avoid damaging the stems while harvesting.

Culinary Tips

Summer Top cucumbers are incredibly versatile. They perform well in salads, as pickles, and even cooked into soup! This is the perfect variety to try a new-to-you recipe with.

Tips For The Gardeners

This type of cucumbers! They are one of the few vegetables you can pick right off the vine and fully enjoy eating without too much preparation. We recommend companion planting these with scallions to maximize your garden’s yield and visual interest.”

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