Tomato Bonny Best Organic

1,250 د.ك

  • Excellent, old fashioned flavour
  • Cold tolerant
  • Certified organic seeds
  • Indeterminate (vine)
  • Open-pollinated seeds
  • Matures in 75-80 days

CERTIFIED ORGANIC! Bonny Best organic tomato seeds are well suited to the West Coast climate and anywhere else with a short, cool growing season. This variety matures early and is easy to grow. These heirloom plants adapt well to most conditions and are equally productive in a greenhouse environment or open field.

Bonny Best tomato plants may be grown flat, or stake well for approximately 1.5 meters (5′) of vertical growth with heavy clusters of fruit. Expect abundant yields of smooth, scarlet coloured, solid, meaty tomatoes weighing 170-283 grams (6-10 oz.). Excellent, old-fashioned tomato taste. Great for slicing, canning, salsas and sauces.

Indeterminate (vine)

Matures in 75-80 days (Open-pollinated seeds).

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