Verbascum phoeniceum, ‘Rosetta

1,750 د.ك

Reliable and easy to raise from seed is this splendid variety, tough and tolerant of a wide range of conditions. From tight rosettes of crinkled, dark green leaves, it produces in summer several, sturdy, two foot spikes densely wrapped in large and delicate, paper-like, cup-shaped blossoms of an intense dark carmine pink colour. This variety is going to be popular; the raiser reckons he has cracked the code with this one! 2ft (60cm)

Germination Instructions

Sow direct in autumn approx. 2 months before grow season. Sow thinly into prepared soil. Once germinated thin to 45cm spacing. Can be sown indoors-June . Surface sow into deep pots or root trainers filled with moist well-drained seed compost. Allow 3cm between seeds. Just cover the seeds with a fine layer of soil or vermiculite. Keep moist. Propagate 15-18°C. Germination takes 2-4 weeks. After germination reduce moisture allowing soil to dry out a little. When large enough to handle transplant to 8cm pots. Acclimatise and plant out  with 60cm spacing.

Growing Instructions

Prefers full sun in a moist well-drained soil. Offer mulch protection during winter. Fertilise if desired, but this may cause leaf growth at the expense of flower growth.

Cultivation Instructions

To encourage repeat blooming remove the central flower stalk after initial flowering. Cut just above where the side shoots are forming with a sharp knife.

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