Hollyhock Apple blossom

1,750 د.ك

Sow on the surface of well drained, moist seed compost. Lightly cover the seed with fertilizer or substrate. Place in an indoor greenhouse or close the seed containers in a plastic bag at a temperature of 15 ° C – 20 ° C until after germination, which usually takes 14-21 days. A bright location promotes germination. When the seedlings are large enough, prick out into 8 cm pots. Slowly get used to the outside temperature and after 10-15 days, when there is no longer any risk of frost, transplant to a distance of 45 cm. Alternatively, sow in a cool greenhouse in late summer and continue to cultivate in bright and cool conditions. In the following year, when there is no longer any risk of frost, plant out. This method produces larger plants and is suggested in heavy, poorly drained soil.

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